這麼說來 似乎 設計
遮掩 設計師自身殘缺不堪的感性軀幹
070909 PM10.41
我必須透過以下文章時時提醒自己 因為我怕在設計與藝術創作兩個腳色的經常切換中迷失 不表示迷失是好是壞 這兩件事雖像雙胞胎 事實上是兩個存在的人格.
Design is no longer a secondary art form—“art with a purpose”—but on a level with art. This also implies that design need not be so busy legitimizing itself as “almost art.” On the contrary, art and design are both concerned with forming matter according to intention, whether this intention is artistic or design-oriented, and they can mutually learn and steal from each other: artists take design objects and recontextualize them or just give them signatures, and designers take artworks and art strategies and recombine them in cities, infrastructures, world designs, and supermarkets. Their meeting point is poetics.
What differences remain between art and design? The basic difference remaining between the two is that whereas for art the final aim is, through creation of significant forms, to make that which we take for artistically significant available for communication, for design the final aim is to make externally defined purposes accessible for communication.
Quoted from: Liestøl, Gunnar, Andrew Morrison, Terje Rasmussen, and NetLibrary Inc. Digital Media Revisited Theoretical and Conceptual Innovation in Digital Domains. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2003.

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